MoonForest Studio Apps

易推 2.4.3
掌云微信休闲小游戏 1.0.0
掌云轻游戏是一个HTML5游戏平台社区,将在一个APP内整合近百款优秀的HTML5游戏,游戏可以在线玩,无需安装。游戏有玩家排行榜、互动社区、精彩评论、社交分享等功能,使玩家可以轻松的玩各种优质的HTML5小游戏。Light clouds palm HTML5game platform game is a community that will integrate nearly ahundred excellent HTML5 games in one APP, the game can play online,without having to install. The game has the player rankings,interactive community, wonderful comments, social sharing and otherfunctions, so that players can easily play a variety ofhigh-quality HTML5 games.
易推-网易微博Android版 1.7.1